Friday 18 May 2018

Open letter to Africans

To: Africa

Africa Month, which culminates on Africa Day (25 May), should be about more than just beating drums, moving to soulful and melodic African rhythms, celebrating culture and tradition, wearing beads and flamboyant attires and or marvel at our bewitching landscapes; but it should be about more!

Africa has more to offer its people and the global community than just the arts in particular. Hence it is paramount to broaden our celebrations. There is more to life than performance and fine arts. For reference take quality academia, health care services and facilities, and liberation from economic bandage.

It is blatant hypocrisy to begin the tale of the failure of African states and tortoise pace development without a mention of colonialism and its effects. But again most continents and or nations have a past of physical ruin or negative economic growth as a sequel of conflict, occupation by other countries. I acknowledge that some nations recommenced the rebuilding process a few kilometres ahead but the reality of the situation is that they have and the past is a reference of today.

It is for that reason why I pledge Africans, not excluding those who are noble to the African course: to not just celebrate the Motherland in a narrow sense but our celebrations and reflection should be that of broad scale. The big picture! More.

From: Child of the soil

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